Cabezal V0.1 / V0.2

V 0.1

Cabezal is a Sound Installation / Memorial that addresses in a transgressive and poetic way, the femicide phenomenon that has been taking place for several years in México. Based on data and statistics retrieved from different sources, our interest is focused on creating a situation that invites the public to reflect and raise awareness of this phenomenon, as well as its impact both on the lives of the victims and on the social and cultural structure in its different contexts.

The piece covers two aspects around femicide:

On the one hand, the multichannel sound piece that, through an acousmatic composition, gives voice to all the women who have been victims. The sound aspects of the piece immersing the interactor in a state of restlessness that seeks to connect with the anguish and pain that these women had to go through. The visual part of the installation, the tangible, is a memorial made from 32 pits. From each one of these pits, represented by a mound of earth, rises a head covered by a black hood personifying the submitted subject.

As a whole, the installation shows the silencing side of the act, the gag, the subjection, but at the same time, it gives voice to every woman who is violated so that her name lives in the collective memory.

Graphic Score I

Graphic Score II

Graphic Score III

Graphic Score IV


V 0.2

Cabezal is a sound/memorial installation that addresses, in a transgressive and poetic way at the same time, the wave of gender violence that we are experiencing in Mexico and in the world. We are particularly interested in the phenomenon of femicide that has been taking place for several years in our country. Based on data and statistics recovered from different sources, our interest is focused on posing a situation that invites the public to reflect and raise awareness of this phenomenon, as well as its impact on both the lives of the victims and the social and cultural structure in its different contexts. Femicide in its different variants is an act that moves us, opening a field of analysis that pushes us to investigate the extreme violence that every day takes the lives of women of all ages and how sexual desire, control over the victim's body and freedom, as well as the patriarchal order and the domination that the masculine gender still pretends to exercise over the feminine, are determining aspects in this phenomenon.

The piece covers two aspects of femicide:

On the one hand, the sound piece that through an acousmatic composition gives a voice to all the women who were murdered in Mexico in 2017 through recordings of a voice citing the names of each victim, arranged at specific intervals.

And for the visual part of the installation, the tangible, we propose a memorial consisting of a pit represented by a mound of earth from which a head covered by a black hood that personifies the subjected victim rises. The pit gives us an approximation to the reality of these atrocities. The head contains a sound system that reproduces the recording of the names of the victims. As a complementary part, the work integrates a series of graphic scores that represent the names and dates of death of the victims. As a whole, the installation shows the silencing side of the act, the gag, the submission, but at the same time, it gives a voice to each violated woman, so that her name lives in the collective memory.